To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services we offer, please call +1 310 384-1453 or send us an email.
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We are happy to announce the availability of resources in the area of samll business manufacturing. Manufacturing operations, cost accounting, financial reporting and compliance is available on demand in all of our geographical service areas.
Read all news and events.
Our enginieering and IT background, combined with skills and experience in accounting and finance enables us to stay in the forefront of technology used in business operations. The software category ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), offten a buzz word used by vendors to acquire new business, may be sometimes missleading and certainly confusing to smaller business entities. We enjoy demystifying all this for our clients in need for a more robust manufacturing / operations / accounting system. We will listen to your chalenges and together we'll define your needs and quite often be able to recommend a system that will closely (with or without modifications) do exactly what you need it to do.