Pacific Shine Group
Pacific Shine Group

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News & Events

Small Manufacturing Business Line Realigned

We are happy to announce the availability of resources in the area of samll business manufacturing.  Manufacturing operations, cost accounting, financial reporting and compliance is available on demand in all of our geographical service areas.


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Enterprise Risk Advisory

When it comes to operating efficiency, internal compliance with policies, or regulatory compliance, there is nothing that can accomplish these goals as a well designed and executed set of internal controls.

Internal controls in any business enterprise, regardles of size will ensure that:


  • All process steps are performed as planned with little or no delays, waste of labor and material or errors.
  • Controlls over financial reporting are effective, as designed, ensuring that financial statements are free from material errors resulting from fraud, negligence or other errors.
  • Where applicable, compliance with the Sarbanse-Oxley Act of 2002 (Section 404) is performed flwalessly and effortlesly, using the already existing and well designed internal controls framework.


Regardless of your organization size, we know from our experience that internal controls over operations and over financial reporting can be a tremendous benefit to any organization.  We can show you how to best accomplish that at your organization, often reducing overall cost of operations and not suprisingly eben reducing external auditor fees who may be able to rely on much of the wotk already done internally when performing the external audit.


We can be involved in educating your firm on best practicers in this area, work with your staff to develop the system or assist in some or all of the internal audit of controlls, as little or as much as your organization requires.


Here's an informative article on principles of internal control over financial reporting.



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